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Last Updated - August 28, 2023

Inspire Interventions

We believe that every child and young person deserves to flourish. And we know that everyone is different. We create bespoke, one-to-one intervention programmes that are tailored to the needs of the individual. Our alternative programmes have a proven track record in boosting confidence and building resilience in young people.

We can offer support to children and young people who:

  • Need reintegration back into the classroom
  • Need a personalised timetable
  • Are on a managed school move
  • Are waiting for a school placement to be identified

We also offer one-to-one intervention services that complement existing services as part of an EHCP and are combined with our rigorous monitoring system.

Our Intervention programme carefully monitors children’s and young people’s progress with our ‘Reintegration Readiness Scale’.

Session and end of term reports, regular evaluation and feedback is also completed to ensure the progress of each child and young person is tracked and shared with referrers.

Our school intervention services include:

  • Structured assessments
  • Case management
  • Evidence-based progress reviews
  • Attendance of professionals meetings

At Inspire, we operate in an honest, open and accountable way, with children and young people at the centre of our focus.

Alternative provision is only arranged as part of an educational package via school’s or the Local Authority.


Email: matt.hatchell@inspireinterventions.co.uk

Unit 22, Dart Mills
Old Totnes Road
Buckfastleight TQ11 ONF

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