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Last Updated - August 28, 2023

Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) Service (Devon and Torbay)

An IMCA is an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate appointed by the local authority and/or NHS body to protect other people’s interests when they lack the capacity to make certain important decisions and, at the time such decisions need to be made, have no one else (other than paid staff) to support them or be consulted.

The Devon Advocacy Consortium provides an independent, professional advocacy service for people over the age of 16 in Devon. The service is free, flexible and confidential.

We take action to help people say what they want, secure their rights, represent their interests and to get the services they need. Advocates can visit you at home or a place of your choice and if an advocate can’t help they can find someone who will.

The Devon Advocacy service can help you if:

  • You have a health and / or social care related issue or complaint
  • An informed choice has to be made
  • A person lacks independent support
  • The person is lacking in confidence or is having trouble communicating

Where the above applies, an IMCA must be appointed when the decision involves:

  • serious medical treatment
  • the local authority proposing to arrange accommodation for someone for longer than 8 weeks
  • the NHS body proposing to arrange accommodation for someone for longer than 28 days.

An IMCA may also be involved:

  • where there is a care review (where accommodation is being reviewed)
  • in Safeguarding of Adult cases (the criterion of friends and family does not apply in Safeguarding cases).
  • to support people through the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard (DLS) process.
  • detained in hospital under the Mental Health Act, apart from shorter sections (4, 5 135 or 136) designed to allow a proper Mental Health Act assessment to take place
  • subject to a Guardianship order
  • subject to a Community Treatment Order
  • discussing with their doctor the possibility of Psychosurgery, or ECT (if under 18 years).

If you feel that someone meets the criteria for an IMCA please call or email to request a referral form


Telephone : 01392 822377

Email: devonadvocacy@livingoptions.org

Web address: https://devonadvocacy.org.uk/

Unit 3-4 Cranmere Court

Lustleigh Close,

Matford Business Park



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