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Hele After School Drop In

Last Updated - August 24, 2023

Hele After School Drop In

After school drop in cafe at Hele Road Baptist Church. Games, people to chat to, toast and milkshakes for a small charge.

Who to contact

Contact Name : Tim Funnell

Telephone : 01803 557044

E-mail : info@linxyouth.net

Website : www.linxyouth.net

Where to go

Name : Hele Baptist Church

Address : 45, Hele Road

Postcode : TQ2 7PP

Time / Date Details

When is it on : Mondays from 15.00 to 17.00

Time of day : Afternoon

Other Details


Age Ranges : From 11 years to 18 years

Age Ranges : From 11 years to 18 years

Inclusion Information

Special Needs

Details : Experience with diabetes, ADHD, Aspergers, slight paralysis and Hearing Impairment.

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