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Health Passports

Last Updated - August 17, 2023

Health Passports

When you are 16, you will be given a health passport. This is a small booklet which outlines your immunisation history and other relevant health information. It also provides a wide range of useful health information including how to find other health services. The Health Passport should form part of your Pathway Plan.

17+ years: preparing for adulthood: The Nurses can discuss how to become more
independent in looking after your own health needs e.g. how to book a GP appointment or collect a prescription. They can also help to get you any support you might need and be eligible for from adult health services.

Final statutory health review: when you are 17 you will be offered your last health review. The Nurse will ensure that you have our contact details and know how to contact us if you require support or advice after you are 18, or if you need a new health passport.

18+ years: The Nurse team will send you a letter just before your 18th birthday which provides you with our contact details and an offer of health advice and support throughout your adult life.

If you give your consent to our Nurses team they can talk with your GP in cases of emergency. This consent can be added to your Pathway Plan.

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