Last Updated - December 31, 2024
Combe Pafford is a thriving special school which successfully caters for boys and girls, aged between 7 years and 19 years, who have moderate learning difficulties, physical difficulties or autism.
They have a strong commitment to provide an environment where pupils feel happy and safe, not to fear failure but to grow in confidence, increase self esteem and understand their capabilities in preparation for life outside and after school.
Headteacher: Sally Banfield
DfEE No: 7041
The primary designation of Combe Pafford School is Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD), although some pupils may also have Autism or Physical Difficulties. All pupils must have an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) and admissions are managed by Torbay Local Authority SEND Team.
Pupils with Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD):
Pupils with MLD will have attainments significantly below expected levels in most areas of the National curriculum, despite appropriate interventions. They have much greater difficulty than their peers do in acquiring basic literacy and numeracy skills and in understanding concepts. They may have associated speech and language delay, low self-esteem, low levels of concentration, under-developed skills, communication and interaction or physical difficulties.
To access a place at Combe Pafford School the child:
Children with an Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC):
Pupils with an ASC placed at Combe Pafford will have moderate learning difficulties, but also have significant needs on the ASC spectrum and find it difficult to:
They find it difficult to understand the social behaviour of others, are literal thinkers and fail to understand the social context. When routines are changed, or when settings don’t meet their needs, they can become anxious or stressed. This can result in inappropriate behaviour.
Some pupils with an ASC have altered perceptions of sounds, sights, smell, touch and taste that affect their response to these sensations. They may also have unusual sleep and behaviour patterns.
Young children with an ASC may not play with toys in a conventional and imaginative way, but use them rigidly and in a repetitive manner. They find it hard to generalise skills and have difficulty in adapting to new situations, instead preferring a known routine.
For admission to the autistic spectrum base within Combe Pafford School the child should:
Physical Difficulties (PD):
As a general principle of policy, the Local Authority does not place children whose primary area of need is a physical and/or medical difficulty in special schools.
Only children who present physical and/or medical difficulties together with moderate learning difficulties will be considered for placement at the school.
For further information about admission to the school please contact the Torbay SEND team – Family Hub