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Carey Park Putting

Last Updated - August 24, 2023

Carey Park Putting

18 hole putting green, set within the grounds of Carey Park Tennis Club.

All equipment is included in the price – so come and give it a go!

Who to contact

Telephone: 01803 329709
Website: www.caryparktennis.co.uk/putting.php

Where to go

Name: Torquay Tennis Club
Address: Carey Avenue
Postcode: TQ1 3NQ

Time / Date Details

When is it on Daily between May and September from 10:00 to dusk
Session Information: Weather permitting

Other Details


Table of costs

AmountCost Type
Adults £3.00per session
Juniors £1.50per session
Families (2 adults & 2 children) £6.00per session
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