Remember, not all children develop at the same rate but during this time I will:
use over 50 single words like ‘juice’, ‘car’, ‘biscuit’
be starting to put short sentences together with two to three words, such as “more juice” or “bye-bye daddy”
be asking simple questions such as “what that?”, “who that?”. They might do this quite a lot!
understand between 200 and 500 words
understand simple questions and instructions like “where’s baby”, “go and get your coat”, “mummy’s turn”
enjoy pretend play with their toys, such as feeding dolly or pretending to drive a car, usually making noises and talking while playing
become very frustrated when they cannot get their message across. This is one reason for toddler tantrums
My parents might want to speak to a Health Visitor or GP if:
I’m not doing some of the things a younger child would (see previous age boxes)
I don’t play with objects by pretending? – e.g. give teddy a drink; using a box as a doll’s bed; pretend talk on the phone
For more information or if you have concerns, talk to your Health Visitor
2 – 3 year Early Years Progress check
2 – 2.5 year Health Visiting developmental review
To contact the 0 to 19 Torbay health visiting team, please call us on 0300 333 5352 (Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm) or email: