Remember, not all children develop at the same rate but during this time I will:
Make talking noises – babble strings of sounds, like ‘ma-ma-ma’, ‘ba-ba-ba’
Make noises, point to things, and look at you to get your attention
Start to say sounds that will become my first words and use gestures
Start to understand words like ‘bye-bye’ and ‘up,’ especially when a gesture is used at the same time
Recognize the names of familiar objects, things like ‘cup’ and ‘bowl,’ ‘teddy’ and ‘mummy’
Look at you when you speak or when I hear my name called
Take turns in ‘conversations,’ babbling back to an adult
My parents might want to speak to a Health Visitor or GP if:
I have not made any babbling or other sounds by 6 months
I don’t point by 12 months
I don’t try to get your attention (this might be by making noises, eye contact, facial expressions, reaching, throwing toys from my buggy or highchair)