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Last Updated - August 24, 2023

Brixham C of E Primary School & Neighbourhood Nursery (Brixham)

Brixham Church of England Primary School, is a small school that prides itself on its Christian values and its community feel. We believe that your children come first and in a working partnership with families, we aim to inspire working, playing and learning together. We strive to create an atmosphere where all pupils feel happy, secure and valued, enabling them to be successful learners and make a positive contribution as young people within their community.

Brixham Church of England Primary School is a part of the Academy for Character and Excellence (ACE) multi-academy trust (MAT)

Headteacher: Mr Ben Nelson-Smith

Nursery: Yes (Neighbourhood)
DfEE No: 3103
Type of School: Voluntary Controlled

Who to contact

Contact Name : Mr Ben Nelson-Smith

Contact Position : Headteacher

Telephone : 01803 882575

E-mail : admin.brixham@acexcellence.co.uk

Website : www.brixhamcofe.org/website

Notes : Parent OrganisationAcademy for Character and Excellence (ACE) multi-academy trust (MAT)

Where to go

Name : Brixham C of E Primary School

Address : Higher Ranscombe Road

Postcode : TQ5 9HF

Local Offer

Local Offer Age Bands : Primary (4-10 years)
Early Years (0-4 years)

SEN Provision Type : Universal

SEN Information

A printable version of this form is available in the downloads section.

What special education provision is available at our setting?

At Brixham Church of England Primary School we ensure all children have access to ‘quality first teaching’ and emphasise the importance of all staff members delivering this to all pupils.                    

If a child is identified as having additional needs above and beyond those able to be met by a differentiated creative curriculum, then staff (SENDCO, teachers and LSAs) will work with the child to understand what their barriers to learning are and why this may be and then discuss the best way to ensure support and progression for the child, dependant on their needs. During discussion, along with relevant data, staff decide if these needs can be best met within class (through extra support, resources, more specific/adapted work or in class interventions), out of class (in small group or individual sessions) or from outside agencies (e.g. Speech and Language Outreach, Educational Psychologist, School Nurse). Then staff will plan the appropriate interventions into the child’s timetable to ensure the least disruption to the child’s learning and continued access to a balanced and differentiated creative curriculum. 

We believe each child is special and has the right to have their own specific needs met, so an ISP (Individual Support Plan) will be created for children who are identified on the SEN Register, and/or for any child needing support and intervention above and beyond in class support, to best meet their needs, using the interventions, resources and support available. The ISPs set SMART targets (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Sensitive) which are assessed, reviewed and changed termly (or as and when appropriate) and are a working document which can be adapted when appropriate. Levels and frequency of support are dependent on the child’s needs and are regularly discussed and adapted as and when needed. 

Within our classrooms and in our designated one-to-one and small group areas our trained and specialised staff are able to offer access to:

  • Nurture/Pastoral support, as a whole school approach to developing emotional literacy, as well as small group and individual sessions with trained Nurture/Pastoral practitioners in our designated Nurture/Pastoral room.
  • SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) whole class sessions, incorporating Circle time activities and techniques.
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
  • Forest School, both within the school grounds and on the schools own land, known as ‘The Arc’.
  • Our LSAs deliver Speech and Language Programmes from Speech and language therapists, providing individual and small group sessions inside and outside the classroom.
  • Makaton sign language, within the Nursery and for specific children’s needs.
  • Literacy and Numeracy interventions (e.g. Precision Teaching, Pre-teaching, Guided Group Reading, Daily Reading, Individual Phonics teaching, Dr Frost Maths, TTRS, MyMaths)
  • Specific Learning Difficulties interventions (e.g. as above plus handwriting practice, memory games, spelling support, etc)
  • A range of ICT resources (e.g. I-pad, Surfaces, AR Readers computer programme, Big Key keyboards, TTRS, Dr Frost Maths, MyMaths, etc)

We also work closely with outside agencies, who can give guidance and do observations and assessments to support pupils and staff when appropriate, including:

  • A Speech and Language Therapist
  • A School Nurse and Health Visitors
  • An Educational Psychologist
  • Specialist teachers (e.g. Early Years Advisors and Inclusion Support)
  • Outreach (e.g. Mayfield and Chestnut)
  • Social Workers
  • Young Carers
  • Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists
  • Chestnut Provision

What criteria must be satisfied before children and young people can access this provision/service?

Brixham Church of England Primary School is a single form entry for children aged 3 to 11. We are an inclusive Christian school that believes each child is special and has unique qualities that make each of them an important member of our loving ‘family’, which aims for all our children to reach their learning potential in a supportive atmosphere, whilst also becoming good citizens of the future. All children are valued and their individual skills are encouraged and praised both in class and during assemblies, where we encourage the children to appreciate and support each other’s uniqueness. 

No matter what a child’s Special Educational Need or Disability is, we embrace, encourage and treat children equally, following the 2010 Equalities Act guidance and other relevant documentation. We make appropriate provision for their specific needs to be met to ensure they meet their full potential, academically, emotionally and socially, whilst having access to a broad and balanced creative curriculum, using the resources, support and expertise we have within school or working with our outside agencies if needed. 

We encourage open communication between staff, parents, children and outside agencies to ensure the best provision for all children, especially those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities, often holding formal and informal meetings with parents and staff to ensure the child is receiving the needed and appropriate care and is achieving their best. 

Children may need to access the school’s SEND support at some point in their school career, whether for a short or prolonged period of time, and therefore staff and appropriate outside agencies will monitor, review and adapt this for individuals or groups as appropriate (through ISPs and other assessments), until it is felt they are able to succeed without it and no longer need the extra provision. This provision may be in the form of individual or small group extra support within lessons, more specific/adapted work, use of relevant resources and on occasions interventions in or outside of the classroom. As having access to a broad and balanced differentiated creative curriculum is so important, both educationally and socially, we try to ensure interventions are out of these designated times, as much as possible and have least disruption for the child.  

How do we identify the particular special educational needs of a child or young person?

When a child is not making the expected progress and/or has barriers to learning, we believe it is important to gather as much information and evidence about the child and their needs to ensure we provide the correct, specific provision through their ISP or through the expertise and guidance given by the relevant outside agencies. Parents will be consulted and informed at all stages.  

Usual steps to identification of children’s SEND needs can include: 

  1. Concerns raised by parents, staff, child or outside agencies.
  2. Discussions with relevant staff members (SENDCO, teachers and LSAs), parents, outside agencies, if relevant, and importantly the child.
  3. Gathering of any of the child’s previous reports both from within school and from relevant outside agencies, including previous schools, health workers, Advisory Teachers.
  4. Informal monitoring and observing of the child by school staff and the SENDCO.
  5. Strategies put in place and tried for a period of time to see if successful, staff discussions and observations regularly at this point.
  6. Advice and guidance sought from Link Professional during SENDCO termly meeting or before it relevant.
  7. Use of formal and continuing assessment of the child’s abilities, academically through the use of Teacher Assessment and data tracking to compare to National Levels and expected progress, as well as intervention outcomes, or socially and emotionally through the use of appropriate assessments. 

If deemed appropriate formal observations or assessments by specialised outside agencies. If the child’s needs are not able to be successfully met through school interventions and support alone, then it could be deemed possible to Request a Statutory Assessment (EHC Plan).

How do we consult with parents and/or children and young people about their needs?

All children have two parents meetings a year, in the Autumn term and the Spring term, to discuss their child’s attainment, achievement and needs. As well as these, we encourage open communication with parents, staff and the child throughout the year to ensure the best support, especially during times of stress or upset for the child to ensure we are working as a ‘team’ and showing consistency through the home/school communication.

If a child has been identified with a Special Educational Need and/or Disability, who needs support and/or intervention beyond in class support, their name is firstly added to the class intervention list and, through discussions with staff, parents/carers and the child, the most appropriate form of provision or intervention is put in place. The child’s progress is reviewed regularly by relevant staff (through assessments, data and observations)and the need for continuing, adapting or withdrawing the provision/intervention is decided, depending on whether the educational gap has decreased and/or barriers to learning have been overcome and the child is able to succeed without support. At this point, it may be decided to change or adapt the appropriate provision/intervention, or the length of time or frequency of support may be decreased and again reviewed at a later point. 

If the gap does not decrease and the child’s barriers continue with little progression being made over a prolonged period of time, despite our best endeavours, then the school (in conjunction with the child and their parents/carers) may involve an outside agency for guidance, observations and/or assessment and the child’s name will be added onto the SEN Register. At this point the child will also have an ISP or Care Plan, which is discussed and created with the child (age appropriately) and shared with the parents/carers and relevant staff, then reviewed and adapted at least twice throughout the year in conjunction with the child (age appropriate).

A child with an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) will also have an EHC Implementation Plan which is shared with the parents/carers, relevant staff and adapted for the child at the beginning of the year and then reviewed in the child’s Annual EHCP Review.  Through this process both the parents and child’s thoughts and feelings (age appropriate) about the support given to meet their needs is sought, discussed and reviewed. 

Some children identified with SEND have specific adults that discuss on a daily basis the child’s achievements and behaviours with parents/carers, while others may have a home/school book to encourage consistent communication with and co-operation of the child’s significant adults, or weekly meetings/discussions with relevant staff. 

What is our approach to teaching children and young people with special educational needs?

Whether the need is educational, social, emotional or behavioural, as an Inclusive school we believe all children have the right to a broad and balanced creative curriculum, differentiated to meet all needs and to encourage and promote them to reach their full potential. 

Through our commitment to developing Character Education and Metacognition, which are based on developing character and learning how to learn, we plan lessons which provide opportunities for all children to make a positive impact on society and improve their attitude to learning whilst becoming reflective learners. The children develop a clear understanding that we can all be good learners, to the best of our own abilities, and they demonstrate independence and enjoyment of the challenges set understanding that to make mistakes or ‘FAIL’ is not a problem but a learning opportunity (First Attempt In Learning).

Children often work collaboratively in small mixed ability groups so that they have the chance to learn from each other, talk through problems together to seek solutions and deepen their understanding by supporting one another’s learning and play to each other’s strengths in different areas. They have opportunities to ask and answer questions, and to reflect on their work and plan next steps together.

 Our aim is to narrow the academic gap between SEND children and their peers, through teaching, support and interventions, the expectations over the year for SEND children are the same as their peers, as we feel with the correct support, provision and quality first teaching they can and will achieve this.

How can we adapt our curriculum for children and young people with special educational needs?

Our differentiation of the creative curriculum can include:

  • Extra support given through adult input and adapted for the individual or group
  • Specific and adapted work to meet individuals or small groups needs
  • Use of relevant resources
  • Achievable outcomes set
  • Visual aids and reminders
  • Verbal check in with peers or adults to clarify activities and instructions
  • Pre-teaching of vocabulary
  • Pre-teaching of new skills and methods
  • Revisiting and relearning of methods and strategies and addressing any misconceptions
  • Individual workstations/focus areas
  • Whole class rewards and/or consequences schemes
  • If needed, individual rewards and/or consequences schemes
  • Additional resources and/or staff training if appropriate

How will we ensure we get the services, provision and equipment that children and young people need?

Each year the SENDCo develops an Action Plan that identifies any relevant whole school or individual training needed to ensure children receive the provision and/or resources they need. If additional needs or other relevant resources or training is required throughout the year this is reviewed. Also on each child’s ISP, Learning Diary, EHC Implementation plan, or Nurture/Pastoral Assessment, additional support and resources are identified and sought out by staff. 

If expertise or resources from outside of school are needed the SENDCO or staff will contact relevant outside agencies to ensure these are accessed. These can include; Health Visitors/School Nurse, Educational Psychologist, Advisory Teachers, Speech and Language, Occupational or Physiotherapist and any other relevant Outreach services.

How is this provision funded?

Each year the Local Education Authority provide each school with a ‘Notional’ SEND budget (taking into account the amount of children with SEND within the school), which goes towards helping the school’s identified SEND children’s needs to be met, alongside some SEND or Looked After Children pupil’s accessing part of the school’s Pupil Premium money. The Head teacher, governors and SENDCO use this money, plus an agreed amount from the whole school budget, to ensure all identified support, provisions and resources are available for SEND pupils. 

Provision takes into consideration the needs of the child and is allocated accordingly, on an individual needs basis.

If a child is identified with a more complex or specific Special Educational Need or Disability then an Educational Health and Care Plan can be requested. This can/may provide some extra funding (Top-up Funding) to ensure appropriate provisions are available to meet the specific needs of the child as identified in their EHCP (possibly including: resources, intervention and/or in class support).  

What additional learning support is available for children and young people with special educational needs and how do they access it?

We have teachers and LSAs that are trained in specific areas, using different interventions and resources, and offer a range of additional learning support for children identified with SEND both in and out of class.

In class:

  • Extra individual or small group adult support with learning, understanding and social, emotional or mental health issues (including behaviour).
  • Differentiated work to meet individuals or small group needs, adapted specifically.
  • Individual or small group interventions for Literacy and Numeracy (Precision Teaching, Pre-teaching, etc).
  • Use of relevant resources.
  • Visual aids and reminders.
  • Verbal check in with peers or adults to clarify activities and instructions.
  • Pre-teaching of vocabulary and concepts, in Maths, Literacy and other curriculum areas.
  • Revisiting and relearning of methods and strategies and addressing any misconceptions.
  • Individual workstations/focus areas.
  • Whole class rewards and consequences schemes.
  • If needed, individual rewards and/or consequences schemes

Out of class:

  • Nurture/Pastoral individual and small group sessions
  • Individual and small group Literacy and Numeracy interventions (e.g. Precision Teaching, Pre-teaching, etc).
  • Speech and Language individual and small group support.
  • Listening and Attention individual and small group support.
  • Outdoor learning, including Forest School.

If additional support, which was not already available in school, was required then the SENDCO would contact outside agencies and this would be implemented in school (if possible) or signposted for parents if needed. 

How do we support and improve the emotional and social development of children and young people with special educational needs?

At Brixham C of E we believe in a whole school Nurture/Pastoral approach. All members of staff have accessed elements of relevant training and we have trained Nurture/Pastoral practitioners, including the SENDCO and our Nurture/Pastoral LSA. Nurture/Pastoral strategies are used during individual or small group sessions with a trained member of staff in our designated Nuture or Pastoral rooms, using specific identified activities from the relevant strategy, as well as other relevant social, emotional and mental health programmes/schemes to support. Also, elements are used in whole class sessions. Alongside Nurture/Pastoral strategies we use elements of the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) programme for class inputs weekly, also elements from Circle-time activities, or other relevant and appropriate schemes or strategies.                                                                                                   

Another area that has helped support and improve the emotional needs and social development of all children, especially the SEND children, is our continued development and embedding of Growth Mindset, enabling learners to develop and improve their attitude to learning, whilst understanding themselves and their needs as learners. These lessons and resources are helping to deepen children’s understanding and acceptance of themselves and others, helping continue to create caring and thoughtful children ready to become good young citizens of the future.

When it is needed, for more specific social, emotional or mental health issues (including behavioural difficulties), we also look to outside agencies for support for specific individuals or groups, including: Chestnut Outreach, Advisory Teachers, Educational Psychologist, Social Workers, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), School Nurse, Family Group Workers, Young Carers and Family Support.  

How do we support children and young people with special educational needs moving between phases of education and preparing for adulthood?

All children take part in ‘move-up’ mornings to prepare for the transition into the next class and become familiar with relevant adults and the classroom. As this can be a time of worry for many children, lots of Nurture/Pastoral, SEAL, Circle-time and Growth Mindset activities are planned and used during these sessions and again at the beginning of September to reduce anxiety and create bonds of attachment.

Year 6 pupils also have ‘Induction days’ at their new school and transitional work between primary and secondary schools takes place, as well as meetings and written documentation being passed on between the current teacher and Head of Transition within Year 7. Also the school SENDCO passes on relevant information to ensure the smoothest transition. For Year 6 SEND pupils, extra transition can be arranged if the child and/or parents have concerns or if we feel it would be useful for the child. 

For SEND children transition can be a particular anxiety factor, therefore extra transition activities and tasks are set, during the Summer term, to give them extra time with the adults and in the class to become settled. 

This can include: 

  • ‘jobs’ in which they have to visit the new class and staff
  • creating and using ‘My new class’ books to use in school and at home so the child can become more familiar with the adults and areas of the classroom,
  • working in areas of the new class or with specific class resources to encourage the child into the room,  
  • creating questions that the child, group, or another adult can ask and answers given by staff
  • discussions or a ‘worry’ head to share concerns so these can be solved before September
  • Identifying specific workstations or calm/safe areas for children
  • Beginning to work with and become familiar with a specific adult within the new class to ensure they have a bond and feel secure  

If it is felt that a child would benefit from moving to a Specialist School or accessing a specialised provision for a short or prolonged period of time, or return back to our school, then transition will be done over a longer period of time with a trusted adult and will gradually build up until all involved feel a full and successful transition is able to occur.  

What other support is available for children and young people with special educational needs and how can they access it?

Other support available for SEND children within the school, not including in class or out of class interventions and provision, include the use of designated areas for unstructured times (e.g. going to the ‘quiet’ court yard, the library, Lunchtime Club, or Nurture room during playtime and/or lunchtime), or accessing relevant adults if needed (Nurture/Pastoral LSA, one-to-one adult, mealtime assistant). Children know if they need extra support then they can ask a member of staff who will either help the child themselves, or pass the message on to a specified staff member (Nurture/ Pastoral LSA, SENDCO, specific trusted adult).

If support is sought that the school cannot provide, staff will provide relevant information (through leaflets and emails) or pinpoint places where such support could be sought (relevant websites or people).

What extra-curricular activities are available for children and young people with special educational needs?

As we are an inclusive school, all extra-curricular activities are available to all children no matter what their needs and we actively encourage all children to be part of these, including clubs (e.g. football), trips, in school visits, residential visits, peripatetic lessons, breakfast and after school club.

How do we assess and review progress towards agreed outcomes, and how are parents, children and young people involved in this process?

All children within the school have Literacy and Numeracy targets which are adapted regularly and agreed, shared with children and parents and then follow the Plan-Do-Review-Assess cycle. These targets are specifically taught to the children and their outcomes towards these are discussed informally with the child throughout the time set to ensure they meet this target. If a child is struggling then extra support for this will be put in place, possibly through a specific appropriate intervention in class or an ISP target being set specifically if appropriate and/or the target reviewed. The success of the child achieving these targets is shared at the two parents meetings or through formal and informal discussions with parents, as we encourage parents and children to have an open dialogue with us about their progress and any barriers to learning.

In addition those children who have been identified with Special Educational Needs or a Disability are either on the class intervention list or SEN Register (depending on their level of need) and their progress is regularly reviewed through assessments, observations and data, as well as through the specific provision or intervention provided (e.g. Precision Teaching, Pre-teaching, etc). If on the SEN Register, they will have an ISP, with personalised targets that are created, worked on and reviewed in conjunction with the pupil, relevant staff, the SENDCO and any involved outside agencies. These new ISPs are shared and discussed with parents in parents meetings and/or through formal (ISP meetings) and informal discussions throughout the year. If a child is taking part in an intervention their progress is regularly reviewed using specific related assessment tools, as well as analysis of their Levels/Bands and the progression made towards their targets. If a child with an ISP is seen to be making the expected progress and successfully achieving their targets, after provision and intervention has been used for a fixed short term or prolonged period of time, then the additional support may no longer be needed and the child may cease to have an ISP.

For those children with an EHCP these targets and the outcomes of their longer term objectives are also discussed in the two parents meetings, as well as in their Annual Review meeting.

How do we assess the effectiveness of our special needs provision and how are parents, children and young people involved in this assessment?

The SENDCO, Head teacher and teacher monitor the effectiveness of SEND provision throughout the year, using verbal feedback from those delivering the intervention or provision, as well as from the child and parents, along with data analysis and diagnostic assessments if appropriate. The effectiveness of the provision for the child is discussed regularly between staff and the SENDCO, as well as staff and the child (age appropriately) and if it is deemed ineffective or not having the most impact, then it is adapted or changed for another relevant provision and this is discussed with parents.

Children that have an EHC plan have set long term aims and objectives which are used to create their Learning Diary and these are reviewed in Annual Reviews, by parents, staff, SENDCO and outside agencies, and their effectiveness discussed. 

We also use the School Self Evaluation tool annually to monitor the SEND provision and its effectiveness within school.

How do we ensure that teaching staff and other staff have the expertise needed to support children and young people with special educational needs?

At Brixham C of E we believe that it is essential for both staff and child development that continued professional development opportunities are given, especially within the area of SEND.

All staff, teachers, LSAs and Mealtime Assistants attend relevant courses either internally or externally, through their own identification of an area of particular interest or by the Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) that feel it is an area the school or relevant staff would benefit from, and will move children’s learning forward. If appropriate this will then be fed back to whole school or staff meetings and improves and enhances our practices with all children, but especially those identified with SEND.

Children with an EHC Plan may receive top-up funding and part of this is included to ensure relevant staff have the specific training needed to meet that child’s needs. 

The SENDCO in conjunction with the Headteacher create a yearly Action Plan which identifies any relevant training that is needed for whole school or specific staff, as well as any additional training being identified as and when needs of the children occur or training opportunities arise throughout the year. Also she attends regular SEND conferences and forums, CP and SEND specific courses to continue to build on her own professional development, so she is kept up to date with changes to SEND and best meet the needs of the children these impact within the school. She then shares this information with whole school or relevant staff through INSET, staff meetings or discussions with relevant staff. Regularly she discusses SEND guidance with colleagues, sharing knowledge or seeking it elsewhere if appropriate; to ensure all children receive the high quality inclusive teaching they are entitled to and we strive to give them. Our SENDCO is Thrive trained and is also the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Looked After Child Designated Teacher and the Attendance officer within the school.

Working closely with the SENDCO are some SEN trained members of staff, ranging from LSAs in class, as well as our Nurture/Pastoral LSA and Literacy LSAs. Our Nurture/Pastoral LSA works with children individually or in small groups in and out of class, as well as offering support and guidance to parents if needed.  Whilst our Literacy and Support LSAs work within KS1and KS2 to provide support for elements of Literacy to those that are identified with needs, as well as delivering relevant intervention to groups of children. Also the school has LSAs who implement Speech and Language programmes in conjunction with Speech and Language therapists and works with individuals and small groups on their speech, language and communication skills, and gives advice to staff and parents when needed.

We are lucky to have a wealth of expertise within the staff, including trained adults in areas such as;

  • Emotional, Social and Behavioural, using Nurture/Pastoral strategies and techniques and SEAL
  • Speech, Language and Communication,
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders
  • Specific learning difficulties, including dyslexia and dyscalculia
  • Attachment issues

How do we keep parents informed where children and young people have special educational provision but do not have an Education Health and Care Plan?

The school has a SEN system in which, when children are firstly identified with special educational needs, they are listed on the class intervention list, where some element of provision or intervention is provided and this is shared with children (age appropriately) and their parents/carers through a meeting or discussion. Also children, parents and carers are informed of any success and progression or changes to their provision/intervention when it is assessed in the Plan-Do-Review-Assess system.

If the child’s SEN issues are on-going, even after periods of provision and intervention, or are deemed as needing greater input/support (often from outside agencies) then the child’s name will be added to the school’s SEN register, and from this children identified with educational needs have an ISP (Individual Support Plan) which is planned alongside the child (age appropriate) to best meet their needs through support, resources and intervention. These are agreed and worked on with the child and then discussed with the parent/carer in the two parents meetings, ISP meetings or Annual Reviews throughout the year, as well as during informal discussions between staff and parents (including home/school diaries, weekly check ins and verbal exchanges at the beginning and ends of a day).

On occasions formal meetings may be arranged by staff or parents if there are concerns raised about the child’s progress, or other barriers to learning, above and beyond the set meetings.

How can parents, children and young people make a complaint about our provision?

At Brixham C of E we encourage an open dialogue between home and school and feel it is important to work as a consistent ‘team’ for the child, but if a parent has a concern or complaint then the first step would be arranging a meeting with the class teacher to resolve any issues.

If further support and advice was sought then parents are welcome to arrange a meeting with the SENDCO, Miss Tyrrell, or the Head teacher, Mrs Neslon, to solve difficulties or address any issues. This can be done through our Administrative staff in the office, by emailing admin FAO Miss Tyrrell or by phoning the school on 01803 882575.

How can parents, children and young people get more information about the setting?

If your child has been identified with Special Educational Needs or has a Disability and you would like more information about our school and how we could meet your child’s needs, we would encourage you to phone the school on 01803 882575 to arrange a visit. Also you could visit the school website https://www.brixhamcofe.org/website or email us on admin.brixham@acexcellence.co.uk.

How the school involves other bodies, including health and social care bodies, local authority support services and voluntary sector organisations, in meeting children and young people’s SEN and supporting their families?

When appropriate the school liaises with other bodies/agencies, depending on the needs of the child and/or those identified in a child’s ISP. On occasions this may include the involvement of the Educational Psychologist, to do a need analysis for the child, or support and guidance from our Advisory Teacher for SEN. We regularly involve health bodies, when appropriate, including Speech and Language Therapists, School Nurse, Health Visitor, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists. Outreach support is also available, which provides support, advice, guidance and strategies and therapeutic work with children who have Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties or communication difficulties, including; Chestnut Outreach Support; Play Therapists and CAMHS. Support can also be provided if appropriate by using an Early Help referral, which will coordinate the organisations required in order to support a family. At this point Social Workers, as well as named representatives from appropriate services (CAMHS, School Nurse, Health Visitor, etc) will be involved to ensure the best support is put in place and followed up at regular intervals.

What arrangements are in place for supporting children who are looked after by the local authority and have SEN?

At Brixham C of E Primary School children who are looked after are supported through EPEPs (Electronic Personal Education Plans), which are completed by the school’s Designated Teacher for Looked After Children, with parents/carers, children and the Torbay Virtual School, which monitors the plans termly and ensures Looked After Children are receiving appropriate provision.  If the child has been identified with SEN needs and are at SEN Support, they will access the above along with having SEN related ISPs termly, which are also reviewed and monitored. If the child also has an EHC Plan then they would access all of the above along with their Annual Review, which we try to arrange at the same time as other meetings for convenience.

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