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Last Updated - July 2, 2024


Look at how the brain generates thoughts, feelings and physical sensations, pleasant and unpleasant.

Brain Gym Training offer

Brain Gym- https://www.reallifepsychology.org/brain-gym  will help look at how the brain generates thoughts, feelings and physical sensations, pleasant and unpleasant. It will explore the role of attention, breathing, imagery, the body, and the relationship we have with ourselves and people around us in fostering good mental health.

Brain Gym is designed as a guided self-help course where we will introduce tried and tested practices to bring some perspective and balance to our thinking and dampen overwhelming emotions. These practices form part of an emotion regulation toolkit that can help us respond skilfully to the various challenges life throws at us.”

Article Mental Health Alliance wrote about it: https://www.mentalhealthdevon.co.uk/news/2022-11-17/real-life-psychologys-brain-gym-a-model-to-help-understand-and-regulate-emotions

If you or your service feel offering Brain Gym would be beneficial for your service, group, or organisation in offering it to people within our community to help support good mental health, then register your interest.

This is currently being offered for FREE and is a day’s training.

If you are interested of have any questions, please email Stephanie Hood stephanie.hood2@nhs.net

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