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birth trauma association

Last Updated - March 6, 2024

Birth Trauma Association

The BTA is a charity that supports women who suffer birth trauma – a shorthand term for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after birth. Their website also includes an information and support page dedicated to dads and partner, both as supporters of mums and as having experienced birth trauma in their own right.
Telephone: 01264 860380 (Mon-Fri, 10.00am-5.30pm)
Website: https://www.birthtraumaassociation.org.uk/ and https://www.birthtraumaassociation.org.uk/for-parents/fathers-partners-page
Facebook: @TheBTA
Email: support@birthtraumaassociation.org.uk or enquiries@birthtraumaassociation.org.uk

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