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Last Updated - January 8, 2025

Attention Autism

Attention Autism is a 4 stage step-by-step series of practical attention development activities that enables parents and professionals to get children to engage with them, so they can introduce them to new experiences and progress their learning. Please see embeded documents below that explain the 4 stages in more detail.

Attention development

The ability to focus and sustain attention on an activity of our own choosing is an early stage in attention development. At this level, the child rejects any attempts to intervene because they can only process one thing at once and they don’t want to stop what they are doing.

Typically developing children eventually progress to the stage of being able to do two things simultaneously in a distracting environment, but it’s a gradual process that happens over time. Without appropriate intervention, children with autism seem to get stuck at the early stages and this makes learning really difficult.

Attention Autism is a step-by-step series of practical activities that enables parents and professionals to get children to engage with them, so they can introduce them to new experiences and progress their learning.

Language is not the key to removing the obstacles that stand in their way. Instead their attention – and that of any supporting adults – is held by activities that are so compelling, they can’t tear their eyes away and they want to tell you about it. This spontaneous motivation to interact in turn helps their shared attention skills form. We aim for 20 minutes within six weeks of the intervention starting.

4 Stage approach

Stage 1 – A bucket full of surprises     

Stage 2 – The attention builder  

Stage 3 – Shifting attention and turn-taking

Stage 4 – Attention control and transitions

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