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Last Updated - October 5, 2024

Age 16-18 – What is meant by Sensory and Physical Needs?

Sensory impairments can be defined as an impairment that affects a young person’s ability to access auditory or visual information. Visual and hearing impairments can sometimes be corrected by hearing aids or glasses. When this is not possible, there can be an impact on the young person’s learning and development.

Sensory impairments can be present at birth or develop over time. A young person can have a multi-sensory impairment (MSI) which is a combined visual and hearing impairment and will affect communication and mobility and the young person will require specific support.

Physical impairments usually originate from neurological or metabolic causes and can require specific intervention. This can include mobility aids, postural management, or support with self-care skills such as dressing or toileting. Physical impairments are medically diagnosed, and can affect all aspects of daily living, learning and social needs.

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