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Last Updated - October 5, 2024

Age 16-18 – Universal support for Neurodiversity

All staff will:
• Model positive behaviours and implement the SEND Pledge Values to support preparing for adulthood at the earliest opportunity.
• Familiarise themselves with any support plans in place for student(s). These should be checked at least half termly.
• Welcome all students into learning environments and services.
• Implement Quality First Teaching practices or equivalent, eg Evidence Informed Practice.
• Plan and use consistent routines, agreed across the teaching team, for pre-agreed seating positions, classroom layouts, timings of breaks etc
• Provide early notification of any changes, eg timetable, room, teacher etc.
• Raise awareness of Lodge for students with ASC or traits thereof
• Avoid use of ambiguous language, ie innuendo and sarcasm.
• Ensure body language is non-confrontational, open and approachable at all times.
• Ensure consistent and calm tone of voice.
• Use clear and concise language and instructions, be aware of cognitive load.
• Use chunking ie breaking down activities into clear, short and manageable tasks.
• Allow time to process information and respond to questioning.
• Support/scaffold the start of any task
• Explore reasonable adjustments for any group work expectations/requirements
• Provide regular check-ins, check understanding.
• Use prompts to stay on task.
• Make time for cognitive/sensory breaks when learning. Agree a time-out arrangement.
• Encourage use of phone alarms when taking breaks or any time outs to manage any time blindness.
• Provide regular access to a key/trusted adult, including in Wellbeing Team.
• Identify a safe space and access to a calm environment when overstimulated.
• Use simple verbal or visual reminders to re-engage.
• Set and communicate clear classroom code of conduct.
• Visual timers/count downs.
• Avoid insisting on eye contact.
• Be predictable and as consistent as possible in responses and actions.
• Be clear, sensitive and reasonable with any expectations, including suggestions for constructive feedback and improvements to work.
• Prove a positive buddy system where possible.
• Put in place a clear transition plan for next steps to include IAG, Information and guidance, for course transfers, finding apprenticeships, finding work, in line with their aspirations.

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