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Last Updated - October 5, 2024

Age 16-18 – Targeted SEND Support Strategies or Interventions for Cognition and Learning Needs

• An appropriately differentiated curriculum to take account of individual needs.
• Additional time for differentiated homework and in-class tasks.
• Additional differentiated literacy teaching, with modified pace and additional reinforcement.
• Learning environment modified to take account of learning needs.
• Focussed small group support for literacy and/or numeracy/coursework – delivered through Maths and English hub.
• Use visual aids should as checklists, clear frameworks to support organisation of ideas.
• Opportunities for overlearning.
• Pre-teach topic vocabulary and use concept maps.
• Present new information in small chunks and keep language simple.
• Introduce new material in a multi-sensory way e.g. demonstrate work, repeat it, the use of visual and audio materials/resources.
• Visual timetables.
• Practical lessons where possible relating to life skills.
• Flexible grouping: allowing learners may be able to understand concepts but have difficulties with recording or speed of processing.
• The support staff will be trained and deployed to promote independence.
• Access to English and/or maths coach time.
• Teaching strategies to support learners’ metacognition and academic self-esteem.

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