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Last Updated - August 28, 2023

Adelong Evolve – Adventure Therapy Practitioners

Adelong Outdoor Education and Evolve Psychotherapy have an established close working relationship and proven track record in Adventure Therapy.

Adelong Evolve specialises in working with Young People (aged 11 to 18) with:

  •  Autistic Spectrum Condition
  •  Mental Health Problems
  •  Behavioural Problems

Adelong Evolve understands the importance of building a co-operative and trusting relationship with our clients.  Our programmes are built around the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which is delivered through youth work, outdoor adventurous activity and mindfulness.

Adelong Evolve’s Adventure Therapy programmes encourage constructive challenge, build confidence and allow young people to discover themselves.

We have a strong network of fully qualified staff – psychotherapists, outdoor specialists, coaches and youth workers which means we can tailor our programmes to suit individuals or small groups.

By creating challenges, providing experiences and modelling appropriate behaviour, Young People are encouraged to learn and understand how to regulate their own behaviours.

We work on a one to one basis or provide small group work programmes.

Venues are chosen depending upon the programme designed for the Young People.  Generally our programmes are delivered within Torbay.  On occasions we may travel to Dartmoor to explore or maybe have a trip to Exeter or Plymouth to use the climbing walls.  We are also able to deliver programmes in Exeter and Plymouth.

All of the staff working for Adelong Evolve are insured to transport the Young People they work with.  We collect the Young People from their home and drop them back at the end of the session.  This is included in the cost of the session.

Alternative provision is only arranged as part of an educational package via school’s or the Local Authority.

Who to contact:

Referral Details: Please contact Nigel or Charlie to receive information about Adelong Evolve’s referral process

Contact Name: Charlie (Adelong) or Nigel (Evolve)

Telephone: Charlie – 07816 889633 or Nigel – 07712 706680

E-mail: charlie@adelong.co.uk

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