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Last Updated - August 28, 2023

Access Communication Services

Access also aims to raise awareness of d/Deaf culture and understanding by providing Deaf Awareness tuition and signposting to other professional bodies where appropriate.

Access Communications is about supporting deaf YPs in becoming more resilient, independent, confident in being able to access an educational setting / being able to cope with life challenges with their particular disability.

Access support in a variety of ways, for example by using – British Sign Language (BSL up to Level6) Sign supported English (SSE), Deaf Mentoring, Notetaking, Language Modification and can provide an enabling or ‘Buddy’ service.

Alternative provision is only arranged as part of an educational package via school’s or the Local Authority.


Phone: 07510 924639

Email: info@accesscommunication.co.uk or andy@accesscommunication.co.uk

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