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October 18, 2023

Parental conflict toolkit

Race Equality Foundation comprehensive information toolkit about what is conflict and how to address it.

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June 17, 2024

RPC Toolkit

The aim of this toolkit is to help improve parental relationships whether people are parenting together or separated to help improve the lives of children. ...

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October 18, 2023

Standing Tall, The Epic Project

Standing-Tall-EPIC-flyer-V2Download www.whatsyourproblem.org.uk/standing-tall-partnership/

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October 18, 2023

CAFCASS, on-line information for parents and carers

CAFCASS understands that being involved in family court proceedings can be challenging. Below you will find information, resources and links to organisations that could help ...

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July 2, 2024

Reducing Parental Conflict, information for parents

Links to videos and resources for parents: Video and text Home - Relationship Matters  (includes one plus one videos) One plus One Youtube videos See ...

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Exam preparation

November 27, 2023

Supporting Information for Practice

Trauma-Informed-Social-Work-Practice-Knowledge-Bite-1Download Human_Givens-The_Essentials_E-BookDownload Mental-health-thinking-toolDownload Word documents to view or download Main-RPC-Guidance-EIFDownload MHST-EMHP-and-CWP-Pathway-Descriptor-Introduction-to-the-Role-and-Referral-GuidanceDownload What-we-need-to-know-DA-tool-cafcassDownload Post-Cafcass-factsheet-Nov-2020-2Download

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November 27, 2023

Training modules and slides

DWP RPC Module 2 Handout Recognising and Supporting Parents in conflictDownload RPC-poster-for-parent-carer-drop-ins-at-the-Family-HubsDownload rpcp-learner-journey-course-outlines-3Download DWP-handout-RPC-Module-1-handout-the-impact-on-childrenDownload DWP RPC Module 3 Toolkit for practitioners Word DocDownload DWP RPC ...

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October 17, 2023

Craft Restore Relationships

Information to support Craft restore relationships EOI RESTORE Relationship programme TorbayDownload One Minute guide to Expression of interest for Restore Relationships ProgrammeDownload Restore - Relationship ...

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October 17, 2023

Cafcass and private law

Supervision of Contact- Assessing Relatives and Friends (SCARF): Tool for assessing wider family and friends to support contact. Supervision-of-Contact-Assessing-Relatives-and-Friends-SCARF-tool-2Download

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October 17, 2023

Background research and data

Find links and reports to download here RPC needs assessment template rpc-needs-assessment-template (1)Download Torbay JSNA 2022-2023-torbay-jsnaDownload Adolescent mental health report adolescent-mental-health-reportDownload Engaging disadvantaged vulnerable parents ...

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