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August 7, 2023

Teeth brushing

From brushing their first tooth to their first trip to the dentist, here’s how to take care of your children’s teeth. How do I brush my child’s teeth? ...

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August 8, 2024

Children’s Teeth

 The British Society of Paediatric Dentistry have downloadable leaflets created to support patients and their parents. They highly recommend their fun videos made with Dr ...

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September 6, 2024

Big Brush Club

Big Brush Club are working with schools and early years settings to offer supervised toothbrushing for children every day. They equip staff with all the ...

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NHS.uk logo

August 7, 2023

Teeth grinding in children

Teeth grinding (also called bruxism) is often related to stress or anxiety. There are things you can do to help and treatments available from a ...

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NHS.uk logo

August 7, 2023

Habits for healthy teeth

Ideally little ones should visit the dentist by aged one – then visit every six months or as advised by your dentist. If your child ...

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Child Brushing teeth

August 7, 2023

Choosing a Toothbrush

Toddlers Use a small headed, soft bristled toothbrush. Allowing your child to choose their own toothbrush may encourage them to be involved in regular brushing. ...

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Child Brushing teeth

August 7, 2023


The most important thing to think about when choosing toothpaste is that it contains fluoride. This is written on the back of the tube or ...

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Better health, healthier families

August 7, 2023

Healthy eating and teeth

It is important that children are helped to make tooth friendly choices; As a family try and eat ‘lower sugar’ foods. Visit NHS Healthier Families for information ...

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child brushing

August 7, 2023

Reduce the risk of tooth decay

There are a few easy things you can do to help protect your child’s teeth and gums and reduce the risk of tooth decay. Reduce ...

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Better health, healthier families

August 7, 2023


Quite simply, too much sugar is the main culprit of tooth decay. Some foods naturally have a high amount of sugar in them. The sugars ...

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