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Starting school in September

Getting ready to start school

Starting school can be a positive experience for everyone. The more familiar children are with their new school or nursery, the quicker they will settle in. As parents, you are your child’s first teacher. Here’s a quick and easy guide to help prepare your child for starting school.Chat: Help me to see myself as a talker who let’s adults know my ideas and when I need somethingPlay: help me to understand playing is fun with others when you share the toys and your ideasRead: look at books that I like with me and talk about the pictures ( it’s OK if it’s the same book again and again)Get to know your child’s new schoolYou can help to prepare your child to start school by:

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Starting school and toilet training

When children can confidently use the toilet on their own, their transition to reception is easier. These downloadable posters and handouts from Foundation Years aim to help parents with toilet training and help educators prepare children for using the toilet when they get to school.  The resources include:

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Your 0 to 19 Torbay School Nurse Team SEND Local Offer

School nurses are the key people linking education and health and take over from the health visitor when children start school, and are there to support them until they leave school at 19.

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How to get your child ready to start school

Starting school can be a positive experience for everyone. The more familiar children are with their new school or nursery, the quicker they will settle in. As parents, you are your child’s first teacher. Here’s a quick and easy guide to help prepare your child for starting school. For more information and advice including information in other languages click here 

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First Day of School

Feelings and emotions around starting school

it is okay to feel uncertain, anxious or worried and that sharing these feelings and working things out together will help. Books such as Ruby’s Worry and Ravi’s Roar by Tom Percival, can help children to recognise the different emotions that they may be feeling and help them to articulate these emotions.

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Let's get chatting

Lots of advice and tips to help your child get ready for chatting.

Eczema Outreach Support

Eczema Outreach Support is a charity to support children and young people with eczema. We help children and young people aged 0-17 with eczema to thrive and support their parents or carers. Our service is completely free!

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Eczema and starting school

Preparation and forward planning are essential before your child starts school. Eczema is a common condition, so staff at your child’s school will have some awareness of it. However, even if they’ve come across another child with eczema, their experience may differ from your child’s individual eczema needs, as eczema is not a one-size-fits-all condition. Find out more here 

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Childcare (Pre-School)

teacher teaching students

Becoming a childminder

Information and advice on how to become a registered childminder in Torbay.

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children performing activities

HAF - Healthy Holiday, Food & Activities Programme SEND Local Offer

Free holiday provision available to children and young people aged 5 to 16 who are eligible for benefit related Free School Meals (FSM) or are Electively Home Educated (EHE).

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kids and childcare provider playing

Find a childcare provider

Help and advice on finding, choosing and the types of childcare available in Torbay.

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activities performing

Find before and after school holiday clubs SEND Local Offer

Childcare is available in Torbay through a variety of providers including childminders, pre-schools and out of school care such as breakfast clubs, afterschool clubs and holiday play schemes.

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Finding childcare

Help and advice on finding, choosing and the types of childcare available in Torbay.

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Funding childcare information

Find out about help with early years childcare costs, childcare for children under two years old, childcare for 2, 3 and 4 year olds.

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Children's health

Big Brush Club SEND Local Offer

Big Brush Club are working with schools and early years settings to offer supervised toothbrushing for children every day. They equip staff with all the tools they need to run toothbrushing sessions, as well as provide expert guidance and ongoing support help parents and carers to understand the importance of oral hygiene by providing lots of support and resources for families.

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NHS.uk logo

Childhood illness - NHS guidance

A guide from the NHS showing common childhood illnesses and advice for when you should keep your child off nursery or school.

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Children's Teeth

 The British Society of Paediatric Dentistry have downloadable leaflets created to support patients and their parents. They highly recommend their fun videos made with Dr Ranj - and Supertooth - which are on their Kidsvids page.

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Eczema SEND Local Offer

Find out about the different types of eczema, treatments and triggers, and download our booklets and factsheets. 

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Have you just moved to Torbay?

Welcome to 0 to 19 Torbay. Helping families find ways to avoid illness and stay fit, happy and healthy.

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My health Devon asthma resources SEND Local Offer

Asthma is the most common long-term medical condition in children in the UK, with around 1 in 11 children and young people living with asthma. The UK has some of the highest prevalence, emergency admissions and death rates for childhood asthma in Europe. Outcomes are worse for children and young people living in the most deprived areas.

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NHS torbay and south devon logo

Childhood illness

A parents guide to common childhood illness and wellbeing – 0 to 4 years olds with useful information on common childhood illnesses, wellbeing, and further information.

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Better health, healthier families

Easy ways to eat well and move more

Healthier Families is an excellent source of easy and fun methods to help children and families make healthy choices and be more active.

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NHS.uk logo

Eye health

Information from the NHS about why eye checks are important and how to spot eye problems in children.

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Children's hearing

Routine hearing tests are offered to newborn babies and children to identify any problems early on in their development.

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henry healthy start, brighter future

Fussy eaters

Top tips for fussy eaters and other advice and videos

BAD logo


Head lice infestation is a condition caused by a parasitic insect. Live lice can be found anywhere on the scalp; the eggs are most commonly found behind the ears and at the back of the neck. The severity of infestation varies from a few lice to thousands of lice, but a typical infestation might have about 30 lice per head. Head lice infestation is most common in children 4–11 years of age.

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Better health, healthier families

Children's weight

“How much should my child weigh?” is a common question for parents. Children are weighed regularly as babies, but as children grow and develop at different rates it’s not always easy to tell if they are a healthy weight. Find some great advice here.

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eric, the children's bowel and bladder charity

Potty training and bedwetting

Potty training: how to start & best age to potty train. Great advice, information and video’s from ERIC, the Children’s bladder & bowel charity

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Sleep scotland logo


If your child is struggling to sleep it can be exhausting for them and for the whole family. Good sleep is vital for children, teenagers, and families to flourish. Find out more from Sleep Scotland.

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Children's mental health

Find out how you can help a child to have good mental health, including knowing how to talk to a child about their mental health, and when to spot signs they might be struggling.

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NHS.uk logo


NHS vaccinations and when to have them

Coughs and colds

Caused by viruses, colds can’t be cured by antibiotics. But you can help relieve the symptoms and support your body as it fights the virus. Sore throats can be caused by both viruses and bacteria but are not usually serious. Dry coughs are caused by inflammation in the throat while chesty coughs are the result of phlegm being produced by the lungs. Mucus cough occurs when the phlegm is extra thick and needs thinning before the coughing action can work properly.

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Information and support with understanding vaccinations SEND Local Offer

Childhood vaccinations – or jabs have been around for over 200 years starting with the first smallpox vaccine.  Different vaccinations are given out at different times across childhood.  But don’t worry if you or your child has missed out you can catch-up.  Vaccines work by teaching your immune system how to create antibodies that protect you from diseases.  Think of antibodies as your body’s defence system.  It’s much safer for your immune system to learn this through vaccination than by catching the diseases and treating them.  Once your immune system knows how to fight a disease, it can often protect you for many years.

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Child safety (Pre-School)

Children travelling in car

Car seat safety

A car seat is probably one of the most important purchases you will make for your child, but with so many types and models of car seat on the market, it can be difficult to know where to start and which one to choose.

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Child safety online

Understanding online safety is tricky for all ages. We have advice to help you learn about staying safe online as a family.

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UK GOV. Logo

Child safety online

A practical guide for parents and carers on how to keep children safe online.

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NHS.uk logo

First Aid

Learn how to stop a baby choking and what to do if they have an accident.

NHS.uk logo

Staying safe in the sun

Babies and young children can become ill during very hot weather. Try these tips for keeping your child happy and healthy in the heat.

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Guidance from the NSPCC to keep children safe

Support and tips to help you keep children safe. From advice on children’s mental health to staying safe online, support for parents and what to do if you’re worried about a child.

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child accident prevention trust

Safety advice out & about

Road and pedestrian safety, fact sheets and more information and advice from the Child Accident prevention Trust

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child accident prevention trust

Safety in the home

Prevention is key, so get down to your child’s level to check what they can see and reach. You’ll also need to do this when you visit new places. The Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) has information on garden sfaety, preventing burns, button batteries, poisioning and lots more

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Rospa logo

Child safety

Provides information, advice, resources and training, and is actively involved in the promotion of safety in all areas of life – at work, in the home, and on the roads, in schools, at leisure and on or near water.

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NHS.uk logo

What to do if your child has an accident

What do if your child has an accident and the latest safety advice.

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Early Communication NEW

Early Communication support

Ideas to develop your baby or child’s early communication skills. Find strategies, activities and resources that will help your child develop understanding, talking or communication skills. The resources and activities might be things you choose to do yourself at home. They might also include more particular activities advised by a practitioner or activities and programmes that your child’s school or setting might use. You may find more specific activities that can be advised or delivered by a speech and language therapist.

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Emotional health & wellbeing (Pre-School)

action for children

Parent Talk, Anxiety

Advice and activities to support children and parents with their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

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Youngminds logo


“If you’re being bullied, whether it’s online or at school, university or work, it can be really difficult and leave you feeling hurt – but you are not alone. Advice on how you can tell someone and get help.

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NHS.uk logo


During bereavement, it can help a child to talk about the person who’s died, whether it was a grandparent, parent, brother, sister or friend. Direct, honest and open communication is more helpful than trying to protect your child by hiding the truth.

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Winston wish WW Logo

Bereavement, Winston's Wish

Information and advice on supporting a bereaved child

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Friends & Relationships

Relationships can make you feel amazing. But they can also leave you feeling stressed out and upset. Get advice if you’re having problems with relationships. 

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action for children logo

Parent Talk, Emotional Development

Content to be confirm

action for children

Parent Talk, mental health and wellbeing

Advice and activities to support children and parents with their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

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Kooth, wellbeing advice and support for young people. SEND Local Offer

Kooth is an online mental health and wellbeing service for children and young people.

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Young Devon Logo

Young Devon

We give straightforward support for problems that young people might be facing.

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early years alliance logo

Early Years Alliance

Practical ideas for supporting young children’s wellbeing

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NSPCC Learning logo

Promoting mental health and wellbeing

It’s important that all the adults in a child’s life are able to promote that child’s mental health and wellbeing. Information, advice and links from the NSPCC

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Healthy lifestyles

NHS.uk logo

Nutrition and being active

Information on eating healthily for the whole family, the benefits of healthy diets, feeding and eating habits, and managing difficulties with these. Links to local and national supporting videos, information, advice, and support groups.

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Better health, healthier families

Easy ways to eat well and move more

Healthier Families is an excellent source of easy and fun methods to help children and families make healthy choices and be more active.

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Better health, healthier families


These simple food swap ideas can help cut down on sugar, salt and fat in your and your family’s diet, plus discover easy ways to make a swap when you next shop.

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Learning and Development (Pre-School)


Talk Learn Do

Teaching your children about money from a young age helps them develop the skills they'll need as adults. We can show you how to talk to 3- to 11-year-olds about money. This doesn’t need to be complicated – children can learn about money from being involved in everyday activities.

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Brain development

Children’s brains develop fastest and are at their most ‘plastic’ or adaptable in the womb and early years of life. During this time, many millions of neural are made and then pruned. This builds the architecture of the brain upon which other forms of development will rest.

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the-happy-people, your words build their world

Child development and milestones

Find out about your child’s brain development and how they come to understand the world.

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Behaviour advice from the NHS

Learn how to deal with behaviour issues, seperation anxiety and temper tantrums.

NHS.uk logo

Child development

Read about baby reviews, teething, potty training, learning and behaviour.

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Child Playing

Developing independence

Children develop in their minds, their bodies and their feelings. They all develop at different rates depending upon their genetics, their personality and how they are parented. Your relationship with your child is important to help them to develop mentally, physically and emotionally into adulthood. A baby that experiences regular and sensitive care learns that they are worthy of that care.

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eric, the children's bowel and bladder charity

Potty training

Learning to look after yourself is an essential life skill. Being able to wash, dress, eat and toilet independently are important milestones in a child’s development.

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child playing

The five main areas of development

Cognitive DevelopmentThis is the child’s ability to learn and solve problems. For example, this includes a two-month-old baby learning to explore the environment with hands or eyes or a five-year-old learning how to do simple math problems.

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Zero to three logo

Zero to three matters

Ages zero to three are the most important for lifelong mental health and well-being. Find out more here

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Oral health

Big Brush Club SEND Local Offer

Big Brush Club are working with schools and early years settings to offer supervised toothbrushing for children every day. They equip staff with all the tools they need to run toothbrushing sessions, as well as provide expert guidance and ongoing support help parents and carers to understand the importance of oral hygiene by providing lots of support and resources for families.

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Children's Teeth

 The British Society of Paediatric Dentistry have downloadable leaflets created to support patients and their parents. They highly recommend their fun videos made with Dr Ranj - and Supertooth - which are on their Kidsvids page.

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NHS.uk logo

Teeth brushing

From brushing their first tooth to their first trip to the dentist, here’s how to take care of your children’s teeth.

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Teeth grinding in children

Teeth grinding (also called bruxism) is often related to stress or anxiety. There are things you can do to help and treatments available from a dentist or GP. Find out more from this NHS website

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Habits for healthy teeth

Ideally little ones should visit the dentist by aged one – then visit every six months or as advised by your dentist. If your child hasn’t visited the dentist yet, then make an appointment as soon as you can. If you do not have an NHS dentist you can find out how to register here.

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Child Brushing teeth

Choosing a Toothbrush

Toddlers Use a small headed, soft bristled toothbrush.

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Child Brushing teeth


The most important thing to think about when choosing toothpaste is that it contains fluoride. This is written on the back of the tube or box.

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Better health, healthier families

Healthy eating and teeth

It is important that children are helped to make tooth friendly choices;

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child brushing

Reduce the risk of tooth decay

There are a few easy things you can do to help protect your child’s teeth and gums and reduce the risk of tooth decay.

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Better health, healthier families


Quite simply, too much sugar is the main culprit of tooth decay. Some foods naturally have a high amount of sugar in them. The sugars that are in unsweetened fruit juices, honey and syrups and the sugars that are added to food and drinks are sometimes called ‘free sugars’. Children aged 4-6 should not have more than 19g per day.

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